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Home Defining OER


Current situation

The university is in the process of drafting its OER policy. In the forseeable future you will get access to this document.

Meanwhile, the university explains in the document A Plan for E-Learning at the University of Pretoria (S4459/12) the following about OER and its e-learning plan:

"Open Educational Resources (OERs) are a major focus internationally, but particularly in the developing world where expertise is limited both for content and media production. The University will support the international OER movement through an active contribution to the development of OERs, but also through the use of OERs developed by the international community to enhance teaching and learning at UP. In order to do so, the IP governance structure at the University must allow for this.

Many OERs published under a Creative Commons licence could be used by lecturers to enhance their teaching and student learning at no cost to the University. For instance, high quality re-usable objects such as videos and animations are costly to develop in-house, but might be available as OERs. Care should be taken to provide context to these resources so that students understand the applicability within a South-African environment.

EI will support academics in the development of OERs or in their integration from other sources with UP environments where EI has the human capacity to do so."



The following documents are uploaded to the Education Innovation website and the Intranet:



Read about copyright at UP here.


The institutional repository of UP, an open-access electronic archive.

UP Open Scholarship Programme

Here you would find information on:

Read more HERE.

OER Grant

Since 2020 UP also offers OER grants. All the necessary information can be accessed here if you wish to apply.