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Tests: Use MSWord & Respondus

Not available on Apple Mac Computers

1. Getting started

2. Download and install Respondus 4 Campus (4 April 2024 - V4.1000)

3. Get the install password here (UP Staff Only - user portal username / password)

4. Standard Format for Importing Questions

5. Import Word document to Respondus

6. Publish questions to pools in clickUP

Authentication error when publishing to clickUP? - see Save as Pool option

7. Create a test in clickUP (refer to the previous block)

- Randomise options

- Equation editor

- Question Sets

8. Retrieve a test from clickUP with Respondus 

9. Export a clickUP test for a student to write on paper

Keep Respondus updated

- Update to the installation password (Annually)

- Reinstall to update to newest version

- Did you change your portal password?

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