Participation tools - Comparison of tools - Getting started with Discussions - More on the Discussion board - Collaborate Ultra Virtual Classroom - Wikis - Blogs - Journals
Collaborate Ultra Virtual Classroom - Overview of Collaborate Ultra - The complete process of a Collaborate session from beginning to the end Planning a session Add a link to Collaborate in clickUP Schedule a session Presenting a session Using the annotate toolbar Share/Stream YouTube videos during a Bb Collaborate session Making recordings available Session statistics & Attendance tracking in clickUP Download Collaborate attendance reports Exclude Collaborate attendance percentage from Total Column calculation Download Collaborate recordings Upload the downloaded recordings to YouTube - Cheatsheet for Participants - Cheatsheet for Moderators - Microphone troubleshoot in browser - Bb Collaborate Gallery view - Adjust recording playback speed
Useful Resources - Kahoot - Socrative - Clickers - Plickers - Facebook Messenger Bot presentation - Student group presentations in Blackboard Collaborate
Working with groups - How students join or are allocated to groups (Self enroll/manual enroll/random enroll) - Create groups - Tools available to groups - Present groups to students - Editing groups - Remove a group member - Setting group assignments - Instructions for self enroll groups
Good Practice - Integrate engagement with outcomes - Planning engaging learning activities - Good practice for online communication - Facilitating discussions - Using Groups to relieve administration - Case studies & examples
Virtual Communication with staff and students - Collaboration 101 - What to use and when - WhatsApp Connections - Hangouts Meet - Scheduling a meeting - Hangouts Meet - Join a meeting - A quick guide with Blackboard Collaborate and e-learning