This page contains information about setting up examinations in clickUP to be administered in computer laboratories on campus.

Exam preparation

Refer to the Roles and responsibilities for clickUP assessments in a computer laboratory to ensure a well-coordinated examination.

Refer to Alternative Assessment the UP Way for ideas on suitable solutions, and your faculty’s guidelines on how examinations should be conducted.

* NNB Overarching document: On-Campus clickUP Examinations guidelines

* Settings for Turnitin Assignments used for examinations

Settings for clickUP Assignments used for examinations

Settings to use for clickUP test tool during examinations

Using images in the clickUP test tool 

* Hide clickUP test marks from students (video)

Roles, responsibilities and support with clickUP assessments in computer laboratories

Grade Center settings of Exam columns

Set up your Grade Center correctly to prevent students from seeing their examination marks

Hide exam columns from view for students

Verify that the correct columns are displaying to students

* Create an Exam Smart view to monitor student’s access of an exam a: Video or Step Sheet

* Create a Smart Views for Markers (Step Sheet) if you are a group of assessors

Technical Support

* The lab administrators of Student Computing Services will provide support according to the roles and responsibilities document

* If students use their own devices for examinations, refer them to this page to prepare technically for the examinations.

Exam moderation

Distribute online exam papers to the external examiner.

* Retrieve clickUP tests with Respondus for external examiner

During the exam

* Exam emergency checklist (Quick troubleshooting of possible causes of exams not showing/how to assist students during an exam)

Monitoring an exam in clickUP while students write

Reset an attempt (Use with care as this will delete previously answered questions and require the student to start from the beginning!)

Support during a clickUP examination

* For urgent support to LECTURERS during an exam, call your instructional designer


- Service delivery is during normal office hours. If an examination takes place after-hours, please arrange support well in advance with the instructional designer.

After the exam

Marking submissions

Use clickUP data to investigate students’ queries

* Verify the IP address from where a clickUP test or assignment was submitted

* Exam perusal

       * Distribute marked submissions to external examiners (fact sheet)

       * Distribute marked tests to external examiner using Firefox browser (video)

       * External examiner clickUP guide - fill in fields to indicate your requirements