The journals tool provides a personal space for you to communicate privately with your instructor. Your lecturer can choose to make journal entries public, allowing all course members to view all entries. You can read what other students wrote and build on those ideas.

When used in the group area, members of a group can view and comment on each other's entries for a group journal. The group can communicate with their lecturer as a whole and all members can benefit from the comments made. Your lecturer can grade group journals and apply the grade to every member of the course group. Journal entries can also be used specifically for communication. In either instance, you can make multiple entries for one journal topic.

The journal topic page 

View the different elements you will see on the journal topic page.

Create a journal entry

This video shows you how to create a blog entry, add media to your post, attach files, save and edit drafts and publish your journal entry.

Comment on a journal post

You can comment on one another individual, group or course journal. 

View your grades for a journal post

View your journal grades from two places.